Another insane hunger incident
Tonight I experienced another incident of insane hunger.
I was so fucking hungry when I had dinner that I didn’t feel satisfied afterward, and I think my portion size probably already pushed the limit. I had to chug water to try to fill my stomach and make my hunger go away. My snack three hours earlier might have been the problem. It was too small, and not well-rounded.
Food Journal
Breakfast: Pork chops, brown rice, walnuts, 1 small California sushi roll
Snack: California sushi roll with brown rice (5)
Lunch: Baked salmon, salad with dried cranberries, walnuts and blue cheese with vinnegrete salad dressing
Snack: Two low-fat string cheese servings
Dinner: Whole wheat penne pasta with lean ground turkey mixed with garlic tomato sauce. One sliced red bell pepper sliced. Celery.
Exercise: 30 minutes of interval training at the gym. Low speed: 4.5 mph. High speed: 7.1 mph. I was a little out of my routine tonight, beginning the workout at 9:15 p.m. instead of in the morning.